
Correcting past mistakes...

In the previous section, you learned how commands cancel, undo, and delete help you to undo previous database changes.

But sometimes you only want to change a specific interval, without having to re-enter it. This is where the commands move, lengthen, shorten, resize, and modify come in handy. Let’s apply them to your tracked time:

$ timew summary :ids

^[[4mWk^[[0m ^[[4mDate      ^[[0m ^[[4mDay^[[0m ^[[4mID^[[0m ^[[4mTags         ^[[0m ^[[4m   Start^[[0m ^[[4m     End^[[0m ^[[4m   Time^[[0m ^[[4m  Total^[[0m
W8 2025-02-23 Sun @8 SPORT          8:05:21  8:22:56 0:17:35
                  @7 PREPARATION    8:31:07  9:20:02 0:48:55
                  @6 HOME           9:23:00  9:54:28 0:31:28
                  @5 ERRANDS       10:00:00 10:48:00 0:48:00
                  @4 CLIENT        11:02:13 11:14:56 0:12:43
                  @3 CLIENT, PHONE 11:14:56 11:19:22 0:04:26
                  @2 CLIENT        11:19:22 11:34:07 0:14:45
                  @1 SPORT         11:39:00 12:00:00 0:21:00 3:18:52
                                                             ^[[4m       ^[[0m

$ ▒


You see that you started your first task (@8) not at 08:05, but actually at 08:00. So let’s move the interval to the correct start time with the move command:

$ timew move @8 08:00
Moved @8 to 2025-02-23T08:00:00
$ ▒

The move command moves the interval to the specified start time without changing the interval length, so the end time is adjusted accordingly:

$ timew summary :ids

^[[4mWk^[[0m ^[[4mDate      ^[[0m ^[[4mDay^[[0m ^[[4mID^[[0m ^[[4mTags         ^[[0m ^[[4m   Start^[[0m ^[[4m     End^[[0m ^[[4m   Time^[[0m ^[[4m  Total^[[0m
W8 2025-02-23 Sun @8 SPORT          8:00:00  8:17:35 0:17:35
                  @7 PREPARATION    8:31:07  9:20:02 0:48:55
                  @6 HOME           9:23:00  9:54:28 0:31:28
                  @5 ERRANDS       10:00:00 10:48:00 0:48:00
                  @4 CLIENT        11:02:13 11:14:56 0:12:43
                  @3 CLIENT, PHONE 11:14:56 11:19:22 0:04:26
                  @2 CLIENT        11:19:22 11:34:07 0:14:45
                  @1 SPORT         11:39:00 12:00:00 0:21:00 3:18:52
                                                             ^[[4m       ^[[0m

$ ▒


Now the interval starts at the correct time, but still you finished SPORT at 08:22, meaning the interval is now too short.

You can lengthen it with the lengthen command:

$ timew lengthen @8 5mins
Lengthened @8 by 0:05:00
$ ▒

Of course, there is also a shorten command. Let’s apply it to interval @6 which only took 30 minutes, i.e. is 88 seconds too long:

$ timew shorten @6 88s
Shortened @6 by 0:01:28
$ ▒

Now the summary looks like this:

$ timew summary :ids

^[[4mWk^[[0m ^[[4mDate      ^[[0m ^[[4mDay^[[0m ^[[4mID^[[0m ^[[4mTags         ^[[0m ^[[4m   Start^[[0m ^[[4m     End^[[0m ^[[4m   Time^[[0m ^[[4m  Total^[[0m
W8 2025-02-23 Sun @8 SPORT          8:00:00  8:22:35 0:22:35
                  @7 PREPARATION    8:31:07  9:20:02 0:48:55
                  @6 HOME           9:23:00  9:53:00 0:30:00
                  @5 ERRANDS       10:00:00 10:48:00 0:48:00
                  @4 CLIENT        11:02:13 11:14:56 0:12:43
                  @3 CLIENT, PHONE 11:14:56 11:19:22 0:04:26
                  @2 CLIENT        11:19:22 11:34:07 0:14:45
                  @1 SPORT         11:39:00 12:00:00 0:21:00 3:22:24
                                                             ^[[4m       ^[[0m

$ ▒


When you know how much time you spent on a task, you can avoid the math to calculate how much you have to lengthen or shorten it by using the resize command.

Let’s use this to correct the duration of interval @8 to 20 minutes

$ timew resize @8 20min
Resized @8 to 0:20:00
$ ▒

The resize changes the duration of an interval to the given value, leaving the start time unchanged.

$ timew summary :ids

^[[4mWk^[[0m ^[[4mDate      ^[[0m ^[[4mDay^[[0m ^[[4mID^[[0m ^[[4mTags         ^[[0m ^[[4m   Start^[[0m ^[[4m     End^[[0m ^[[4m   Time^[[0m ^[[4m  Total^[[0m
W8 2025-02-23 Sun @8 SPORT          8:00:00  8:20:00 0:20:00
                  @7 PREPARATION    8:31:07  9:20:02 0:48:55
                  @6 HOME           9:23:00  9:53:00 0:30:00
                  @5 ERRANDS       10:00:00 10:48:00 0:48:00
                  @4 CLIENT        11:02:13 11:14:56 0:12:43
                  @3 CLIENT, PHONE 11:14:56 11:19:22 0:04:26
                  @2 CLIENT        11:19:22 11:34:07 0:14:45
                  @1 SPORT         11:39:00 12:00:00 0:21:00 3:19:49
                                                             ^[[4m       ^[[0m

$ ▒


While the commands before either move the whole interval or change its length, the modify command can be used to change the start and end times of an interval independently:

To make interval @6 start at 09:21 and end at 09:51, you can use the modify command like follows:

$ timew modify start @6 09:21
$ timew modify end @6 09:51
$ ▒

Let’s have a look at the summary again:

$ timew summary :ids

^[[4mWk^[[0m ^[[4mDate      ^[[0m ^[[4mDay^[[0m ^[[4mID^[[0m ^[[4mTags         ^[[0m ^[[4m   Start^[[0m ^[[4m     End^[[0m ^[[4m   Time^[[0m ^[[4m  Total^[[0m
W8 2025-02-23 Sun @8 SPORT          8:00:00  8:20:00 0:20:00
                  @7 PREPARATION    8:31:07  9:20:02 0:48:55
                  @6 HOME           9:21:00  9:51:00 0:30:00
                  @5 ERRANDS       10:00:00 10:48:00 0:48:00
                  @4 CLIENT        11:02:13 11:14:56 0:12:43
                  @3 CLIENT, PHONE 11:14:56 11:19:22 0:04:26
                  @2 CLIENT        11:19:22 11:34:07 0:14:45
                  @1 SPORT         11:39:00 12:00:00 0:21:00 3:19:49
                                                             ^[[4m       ^[[0m

$ ▒

Now all your intervals have the correct start and end times.


Congratulation, you have reached the end of the Beginner’s Guide. You should now have a basic understanding of how to track time with Timewarrior.

Move on to the documentation to see what else you can discover about Timewarrior.