
Using tags is optional, but when no tags are used, it is difficult to associate the recorded time with the activity. Use tags to label the recorded time.

A tracked interval may have any number of associated tags. A tag is either a single UTF-8 word, or a quoted UTF-8 string. An example:

$ timew start Presentation 'Prepare Slides'
Tracking "Prepare Slides" Presentation
  Started 2016-06-14T08:30:47
  Current                  47
  Total               0:00:00

Two tags were used, Presentation and Prepare Slides, where the latter was quoted because it contains a space. Without the quotes, that second tag would have been interpreted as two separate tags, Prepare and Slides.

When stopping tracking, it is not necessary to list the tags:

$ timew stop
Recorded "Prepare Slides" Presentation
  Started 2016-06-14T08:30:47
  Ended                 33:26
  Total               0:02:39

Note that the tags are always listed in association with the tracked time. The summary also contains the tags:

$ timew summary

Wk  Date       Day Tags                           Start     End    Time   Total
--- ---------- --- ---------------------------- ------- ------- ------- -------
W25 2016-06-14 Tue Prepare Slides, Presentation 8:30:47 8:33:26 0:02:39 0:02:39

Now the summary shows the tagged interval, a total for the day, and an overall total. These commands will be discussed in more detail in other documents.

There is a tags command that will list all the tags you have been using:

$ timew tags

Tag            Description
-------------- -----------
Prepare Slides -
Presentation   -

Tag descriptions and other tag metadata is not yet supported.