You can install Timewarrior either via packages or manually by building the release tarball.

If you are a developer, you might be interested in how to install the development snapshot.


The Gothenburg Bit Factory does not maintain any packages, but thanks to the community there are binary packages available:

Arch Linuxsudo pacman -S timew
Debiansudo apt-get install timewarrior
Gentooemerge app-misc/timew
Fedorasudo dnf install timew
macOSbrew install timewarrior
Nixnix-env --install timewarrior
Ubuntusudo apt install timewarrior

Note that packages are the responsibility of the respective maintainers. Please contact them in case of outdated or missing packages.

Manual installation

If there is no package available for your distribution, you can build and install Timewarrior easily yourself.


To build Timewarrior from the tarball you will need these tools:

  • CMake
  • Make
  • C++ compiler with full C++17 support, currently GCC 8 or Clang 5
  • Python 3 (optional, only required for running the test suite)
  • Asciidoctor (optional, only required for re-building man pages)


The release tarballs are hosted on GitHub. You can download the tarball with curl, as an example of just one of many ways to download the tarball.

$ curl -L -O

Build & Install

Expand the tarball, build Timewarrior, and install it. This copies files into the right place, and installs man pages.

$ tar xzf timew-1.7.1.tar.gz
$ cd timew-1.7.1
$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .
$ make
$ sudo make install

Timewarrior is now ready to use. For your first steps your might want to read the tutorial or try the help command.