Running Timewarrior for the very first time

There is no initial setup required to use Timewarrior, you simply start using it.

When run for the very first time, Timewarrior will ask you where to store its data:

$ timew
Create new config in ~/.config/timewarrior?
Create new database in ~/.local/share/timewarrior? (yes/no) ▒

Timewarrior adheres to the XDG Base Directory Specification. This means by default it stores its data in ${XDG_DATA_HOME}/timewarrior and its configuration in ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/timewarrior. See File Layout for more information.

Answer yes or simply y to this dialog and you are ready to go:

$ timew 
Create new config in ~/.config/timewarrior?
Create new database in ~/.local/share/timewarrior? (yes/no) yes

Welcome to Timewarrior.

There is built-in help:
    timew help
    timew help <command>
    (and more)

There is a fully-detailed man page:
    man timew
$ ▒

Take a look at the Tutorial to get started on how to track your time with Timewarrior.